Diabetes & Chiropractic...Whats the Connection?

The possibility of chiropractic care helping people with diabetes is a popular new area of research, and an important one.  Roughly 1 out of 3 men and 2 out of every 5 women will suffer from diabetes in their lifetime.  Research shows that chiropractic care can make valuable contributions to a wellness regiment for those diagnosed with diabetes.  Diabetes is the fifth deadliest disease in the United States and a growing epidemic worldwide, lading to the most health care dollars spent. Any information on techniques that can help reduce this number is in high pursuit.


The average person may not recognize how diabetes and chiropractic care are connected.  What does the back have to do with blood sugar?  Often, an electrician understands this faster than most people.  Interfere with the current flowing through the wires and the appliances or areas of the house lose normal function.

The same is true with your spine and how it affects other areas of your health.  If the nerve supply from the upper neck or middle back (the two areas that supply the pancreas) are disturbed, the pancreatic function can suffer in its ability to produce enzymes to digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates, or even insulin production.  Blood sugar and digestion become unbalanced, resulting in either diabetes or hypoglycemia.


A case study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research illustrated the positive effects of chiropractic when used as part of an integrative treatment for adult onset diabetes.  After one month of the program, including chiropractic, nutritional and exercise guidance, the patients’ glucose, blood and urine levels normalized and remained stable.  His medical doctor, who monitored his progress, said the patient would not need insulin if the condition remained stable.

Another recent case study published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health documents a case of a four-year-old child who had amazing results stabilizing her blood sugar through chiropractic care.  The patient was diagnosed with spinal subluxation in the upper cervical region.  She began chiropractic care and was seen a total of 24 times over a two-month period.  During the two months, her hemoglobin A1C levels dropped from 7.2% to 6.5%, and the amount of insulin she needed decreased from 15 units per day to 11.

These results are especially remarkable because the literature states that intensive medical treatment of type 1 diabetes often does not succeed in lowering A1C levels under 7.0%.  Chiropractic care works by optimizing the neural connections throughout the body.  This enhanced brain-body connection works to better coordinate immunity and hormone function throughout the body.

Article contributed by Thomas A Taylor D.C. and sourced from naturalnews.com

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